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Section 179 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code allows businesses to deduct the cost of certain types of property, including qualifying depreciable business expenses, rather than depreciating them over time. * However, tax laws can change, and it's essential to consult with a tax professional or check for the latest updates to ensure accuracy.

Demountable walls, also known as movable or modular walls, may qualify for Section 179 deductions if they meet specific criteria. Here are some general considerations:

Business Use: To qualify for Section 179, the demountable walls must be used for business purposes. If the walls are used for both business and personal purposes, only the business portion is eligible for the deduction.

Tangible Property: Section 179 typically applies to tangible personal property used in business. Demountable walls, being tangible assets that enhance the functionality of a business space, may qualify.

Depreciable Property: Section 179 is often applied to property that would normally be depreciated over time. Demountable walls, which can be considered a type of furniture or equipment, may fall into this category.

Purchase and Installation Costs: The costs associated with both the purchase and installation of demountable walls may be eligible for Section 179. This can include not only the cost of the walls themselves but also expenses related to their installation, such as labor costs.

Deduction Limits: Section 179 comes with deduction limits. In 2023, the maximum deduction is $1,160,000 with a phase-out threshold of $2,890,000. For tax year 2024 (filed in 2025) this limit is expected to be reduced to $1,080,000, subject to an investment limitation of $2,620,000.

*Keep in mind that tax laws are subject to change, and it's essential to consult with a tax professional or refer to the most recent IRS guidelines to determine the eligibility of demountable walls or any other business expenses for Section 179 deductions. Additionally, tax laws can vary based on your location and specific circumstances, so seeking personalized advice is advisable.

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